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Musings and FaceTime Photoshoot for 'Confined Artists: Photographs from Lockdown' with Lux Magazine

Excited to take part in the online exhibition “Confined Artists – Free Spirits: photographs from lockdown” hosted by LUX Magazine, and created, curated and photographed by Contributing Editor Maryam Eisler. This project was kindly supported by Tristan Hoare, Photo London, and Artnet.⁣

In this digital project, Maryam Eisler photographs her favorite artists as screenshots on FaceTime and WhatsApp, featuring some of the most celebrated artists in the world, described by Darius Sanai (Editor-in-Chief of LUX Magazine) as “captured in a casual moment, on a phone, and unedited – a true sign of our times.”⁣

In summing up her experience, Eisler expresses: “What seems to be a common thread in all of the interviews, is the desire for us all to come together, to seek a better self, and to make a better world. One depends on the other, and our futures on them both. Setting aside differences and individual prejudice is vital, if we are to survive this moment in history, and face the future challenges which no doubt await us. As my favourite poet and song writer Leonard Cohen wrote: ‘There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in’. And the light will get in. Of that, I have no doubt.”⁣

Swipe through to read my reflections and musings during these extraordinary times, and check out the full exhibition here. Special thanks and acknowledgement to Unit London, Karen Tam, and Martin Klipp.⁣


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