Ending next week, an opportunity to bid on my artwork as part of Artnet’s online auction.
The stock market is called the bull and the bear market mythically for the way how they attack. A bear strikes down and a bull thrusts up to symbolize market movements. It’s fascinating that animal attack metaphors are used to describe an artificial space that can be highly volatile with human emotions.
The motif of the bull rider also represents the relationship between the animal kingdom and Capitalism. The dominant global economic model has extracted value from the environment with enormous success that in the 21st century led us to the brink of ecological disaster forcing humanity to ask existential questions about its future.
The bull rider series is called Minotaur from the ancient Greek myth of King Minas’ labyrinth where in the centre was the half man and beast. Within the modern day mythologies of my paintings the beast is Capitalism merged with mankind bucking in a cycle of survival.
Ends August 13 2020. If the auction has ended, you can still make an offer.
Minotaur 2 (study)
Financial newspaper, archival inkjet, acrylic and sand on canvas
39.37 x 31.5 x 1.97 in. / 100 x 80 x 5 cm
Signed, titled, and dated
